GST on Real Estate and Real Property

  • 17 May 2023
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Carriage House Inn


  • Members can purchase this to attend the in-person event. Guests who also wish to attend in-person may, and s/he has to buy a ticket through a member. NOTE: Guests may attend a maximum of two (2) sessions as a non-member.

GST Issues on Real Property, including:

  1. Short-term rental properties held as investments (i.e. Air B&B):  Implications of some personal use or long-term rental use.
  2. Sale of farmland and rural acreage properties:  Subdivision, business, personal, and residential use by seller.  Intended use by purchaser.
  3. Substantial vs. non-substantial renovation of a residence

Presented by Peter Mitchell, CPA

Peter L. Mitchell Professional Corporation

Peter provides GST/HST consulting to CPAs and lawyers in public and general practice and customs brokers who do not have in-house consulting staff.


Lunch starts at 11:30am.

Speaker starts at 12:00 noon.

  • In-Person event only
  • Registration cutoff is 5:00 PM on Friday, May 12, 2023
  • No refunds, unless ECPAC cancels the event

Please pass this event information on to your colleagues.

Members can register guests. Guests are able to attend 2 times per year.

Please see the main events page for more details on registering.